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Superintendent Selection Process

I hope you all have had a wonderful time this Christmas, celebrating the birth of our Savior and that wonderful plan His birth set in motion to redeem mankind through His sinless life on earth, his substitutionary death for us, and his subsequent glorious resurrection. What wonderful news!!

This month, I have a two-part board update for you all. The middle two weeks of December were very full ones as far as board activity was concerned.

You might have heard that we made the final selection for Ozark’s next superintendent. I’d like to explain that process a little. We began with 23 applicants, then narrowed those to six, then narrowed those to three before selecting one. It was difficult to reach an agreement on who should advance each time, and, unsurprisingly in a 7-member board with perspectives as varied as ours, there were many times that at least one applicant favored by one of the seven individual board members didn’t make it to the next level. Then the board members would regroup and select the next group of applicants to advance from those remaining. The final three interviewees were impressive, but, of those three, one of them won my vote with her near-future plans for our school district. I believe Dr. Wilson’s plans for the future will help our district immensely, and I believe she is equipped to see the needs of our district and to act on them. I’ve heard from staff and parents that communication has been improving, and I look forward to seeing even more good in other ways as what she presented for her plans comes to the fruition.

In a separate post with part two of this month’s update, I will share a little about the monthly board meeting.

As always, I value your input and look forward to hearing from you! You can email me at my District address,, or, if that doesn’t work well for you, at I hope you have already marked Jan. 16 on your calendar as the next long-range planning meeting for the district as well as the board’s evening work session on Jan. 8 before the regular monthly meeting on Jan. 18. I look forward to seeing you there and hearing from you soon!

In the meantime, have a great week and a very Happy New Year!

**Please note that all thoughts and opinions expressed by me are my own.
I speak solely for myself and do not intend to represent the Board to you in any way in anything I say.
I do, however, fully intend to do my job representing YOU to the board! 😉

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